I actually started this assignment thinking I was going to make a funky lamp. Turns out the base of a lamp can easily turn out to be a skyscraper with a combination of the contour tool and the divide tool. I began this assignment by drawing a curve in Rhino. Then in Grasshopper I started extruding the curve, offsetting it, and extruding the offset. The above image shows the process I used to make the bottom part of the skyscraper, then I repeated this process for the top portion. After extruding and caping the shape, I used the contour tool to add "floors" to the building. I then divided each of the contours and added circles to the newly divided points, making the balconies. After the building was finished I used the custom preview tool and added colour to the object. I also used the material tool to add shine to the building. The last thing to do was use the remap tool to make sure everything I wanted to move, moved in the animation. I ran into some glitches in this proce...